Chicken Coop Club Classes

Here are the latest classes in the Coop plus a few freebies!

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Keith Haring-Inspired Print Making with Isobel Springer dog paint print printing printmaking spicy Jun 27, 2023

Taught By: Isobel Springer

We'll create relief prints inspired by the graphic street art style of Keith Haring.

Length of Videos: 8 minutes |...

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Buncha Bears with Amanda Evanston bear candy painting spicy Jun 20, 2023

Taught By: Amanda Evanston

Let's create a brightly colored painting of candy bears!

Length of Videos: 9 minutes | Difficulty...

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Glue Batik Landscape with Shemi Dixon fabric fiber art resist spicy Jun 08, 2023

Taught By: Shemi Dixon

Let's use a glue resist technique on fabric to create a batik landscape wall hanging!

Length of Videos: 15 minutes |...

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Pop Art Banana with Lisa Concannon acrylic cooking food paint painted paper pop art snacks spicy tempera tempera stick treats Mar 14, 2023

Taught By: Lisa Concannon

Let's create an Andy Warhol inspired pop art banana piece featuring complementary colors and bold lines.

Length of...

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Imagination Dragons with Devyn Larson acrylic figure figures painting spicy Feb 16, 2023

Taught By: Devyn Larson

Let's paint a dragon with acrylic paint using a variety of brush techniques, value shifts, and fun...

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Fancy Feathers with Lisa Concannon resist spicy watercolor Feb 14, 2023

Taught By: Lisa Concannon

We'll bring our feathers to life using a variety of methods to sketch and paint bird feathers...

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Fairy Horse Portraits with Lisa Concannon figure figures spicy watercolor Jan 03, 2023

Taught By: Lisa Concannon

This one is for all of our horse lovers! Let's let our imaginations run wild as we create magical fairy horse...

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Nutcracker Marionette with Amanda Evanston holiday seasonal spicy Dec 08, 2022

Taught By: Amanda Evanston

These nutcracker marionettes are ready to leap right onto your tree! Let's start creating! This class even includes...

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Pickles and Candy Ornament Sculptures with Beth Newman clay cooking food holiday ornament paper mache sculpture spicy treat Dec 06, 2022

Taught By: Beth Newman

Get ready to have the best decorations around! Let's create pickle and candy themed ornament sculptures using clay...

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Beautiful Beast Giraffe Portrait with Kitty Ayers animals display work drawing figures spicy watercolor Nov 17, 2022

Taught By: Kitty Ayers

Let's draw and then paint a picture of a giraffe using watercolor combined with acrylic paint.

Length of Videos: 14...

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Captivating Cardinals with Lisa Concannon bird spicy watercolor Nov 08, 2022

Taught By: Lisa Concannon

Let's learn a whimsical, fun way to paint Northern Cardinals with a few pointers on the basic shapes used in...

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Paper Beads with Shemi Dixon paper beads pig pen spicy wearable art Nov 06, 2022

Taught By: Shemi Dixon

Let's learn a paper craft dating back to the Victorian age. It's so simple to make stunning paper beads using recycled...

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